How We Work With You To Optimize Your Business
Simple Steps To Simplify Your Operations
Implementing and supporting your Zoho advantage
Detailed Discovery of your needs > Configuring your system > Training your Administrators >
Planning your Data Load > Training your users > Planning and helping out your go-live day
With a focus on sales based businesses we offer standard CRM implementation, or CRM implementation with any additional requirements to run your businesses from end-to-end. Zoho One is the best option to run your business from end-to-end and we know how to make it work like a dream with the CRM. Look for our Fast Start options for a standard implementation Sprint.
What are the components of implementation?
Discovery & Configuration
We work with you in a hands-on, interactive process of design and customization, to illustrate and test how your Zoho applications and new integrated business processes will support your business growth strategy.
Deliverables include: a detailed project plan, a detailed description of any critical new functional requirements, a project timetable to go-live date and a vastly improved understanding by your management team of the way your system will work.
Deliverables include: a detailed project plan, a detailed description of any critical new functional requirements, a project timetable to go-live date and a vastly improved understanding by your management team of the way your system will work.
It's a great feeling to know your management team and your implementation team are on "the same page".
Configuration continues after Discovery is complete to ensure every screen and every drop-down is correct for your requirements.
Implementation Day Support
Prodigm supports your implementation on "Go-Live day" to ensure that everyone feels comfortable and able to perform their job using the new system.